Wednesday, November 12, 2014

To The Printer!

From Darkroom to Daylight was sent to the printer in China this week.  It will be published by Daylight Books in Spring 2015.  The book is a beautiful and important document of what has happened in photography over the past few years told in eloquent stories and images.

Alan Trachtenberg, author of Reading American Photographs: Images as History, Mathew Brady to Walker Evans and other writings, and professor of English and American Studies, Yale University contributed this quote for the back cover:

 “What all photographs have in common is the essential role of light and light-sensitive materials in the production of an image, but there are many routes toward that end. This collection of interviews and personal narratives, accompanied by Harvey Wang’s splendid portraits, offers a revelation and hence an invaluable record of key issues in how and why photographers today choose to go one way or the other, toward film or digital methods, toward darkroom or daylight.”